So, I know Lysol has been pretty much sold out everywhere. If you got some, consider yourself blessed. But some of us who really need the Lysol (those with kids and pets) have to make do in other ways.
Enter ‘Smells Like the Devil’ Disinfectant.
Now I call it that because honestly, it does smell like the Devil’s Butthole in the Armpit of Kentucky. Now I’ve never been to Kentucky and if you’re from there and you’re offended by what I just wrote, suck it. We’re all trying to survive here. You’ll get over your hurt feelings in another day.

I love essential oils. While I’m not an expert on them by any means, I love how they can freshen a room with just a few drops of this and that. If you follow me on Pinterest, I have a whole board dedicated to just essential oils alone.
That being said, I don’t recommend a certain brand nor am I an ambassador for any of them. I will say, however, just because an oil is cheap (under $5 USD), it doesn’t mean it’s a good deal. Some of the really cheap ones are super watery and you don’t know how much oil you’re actually getting in them.
I would also be very careful with certain oil blends. You might find some might not go well with your vibe and aura. If you don’t like a blend, there’s a reason for it. Listen to your gut, fam.
For now, we’re going to talk about how to disinfect your home with essential oils, hydrogen peroxide, and alcohol. As with the title, it’s not a fresh, clean scent, nor will it have your home smell like potpourri and whatever those fake women are smiling about in tampon commercials. You want your home clean and disinfected; you don’t want it to smell like a flower shop that’s masking the ‘Rona.
I mainly used this disinfectant in the most common areas that people will be in: living room and bathroom. The scent is too strong for a bedroom spray and I actually recommend the other spray I created for that purpose.
This is the type of spray you would use on the following:
- trashcans
- door knobs
- remote controls
- rugs
- and even seating areas.
I chose these oils in particular because they all boast of these properties:
- antifungal
- antiviral
- antimicrobial
- antibacterial
- antiseptic
You really can’t go wrong with all of these properties in these oils.
This is how you make ‘Smells Like the Devil’. Are you ready? Here it goes:
1. fill an 8 oz spray bottle most of the way full with alcohol that is 140 proof or greater (70%+ alcohol) such as Everclear or rubbing alcohol
2. add 1/2 teaspoon hydrogen peroxide

3. add the following essential oils
- Tea tree
- Lemon
- Lavender
- Eucalyptus
- Peppermint

4. put on spray top and shake to mix well

Let me know if you tried ‘Smell Likes the Devil’ and where you used it in the comments!